Two events in life will always bring a sense of wonderment and awe to how fearfully and wonderfully we are made. The first was experienced several years ago when my brother, Monte, and I decided to rent the house we were raised in for a family reunion in South Dakota. It is now a Hunting Lodge. All of us cousins went throughout the house together, remembering the laughter, the sorrow (my uncle died there of aortic cancer, I found him as he cried for help bleeding to death), the games of hide and seek, and the bedrooms so cold we could see our breath at night as we huddled beneath our flannel covers. Then it happened. I touched the bannister of the stairs as I was about to descend them...and it felt like yesterday. The touch in my fingers and brain were not at all aware it had been 35 years since I had touched the smooth wood...they knew the banister. They had been inseparable over the years, forever etched in my nerves and memory. And I was filled with awe...and still am.
The second happened on our way to Lookout Mountain. It was a cool morning and I asked Jonathan to grab my driving gloves from out of my purse. I had pulled them off of the closet shelf a couple of weeks ago, just in case I would want them in the cooler weather of Oklahoma. Jonathan dug around and pulled them out and said, eyes bright and dancing, "Grammie,... they smell like Grammie!" Sure enough, he put them up to my nose and we both smiled and laughed. It has been 7 years since we said good-bye to Grammie as she went home to the Lord, and our sense of smell remembered her on this small article of clothing. At Covenant, we made Katie close her eyes, and putting the gloves under her nose (she was apprehensive :0)!) she immediately said, "Grammie!" Grammie's aroma brought joy to our hearts and smiles to our lips. How marvelously our smell and brain worked to remember and recall our love for her just with a whiff of her aroma...her perfume.
I can't help to first praise God for how wonderfully He has made us...senses, memories, and emotions. And as I sit here, Bible open, I pray that my life will be one that is lived in such a way that when He touches me, He remembers my strong, quick response to His touch...just as my fingers remembered the faithful strength of the bannister. I pray that as I live my life here, I will live it in such a way that the aroma causes His eyes to brighten, His heart to dance and rejoice at the memories of how I lived life with Him.
May I be an aroma to the only Great God.
"To God our Savior, Who alone is wise,
Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power
Both now and forever.
Hi Caroline. I finally found your blog. You are a beautiful writer, just like your children. Thank you for your thoughts and wisdom here. I will keep reading it when I can. My blog is
It is mainly about him. Some about other parts of life. I am finding that I have even more to write about so I will soon put up another blog concerning the rest of the family. Hope you enjoy.
Love to hear from you Christy... am headed to Phoenix's blog now!!
Hi Caroline. I enjoyed "catching up with you" through the bloggospere. We are home from Costa Rica, and I would love to get together and really catch up sometime. What a blessing your children are to you. It is encouraging!
Hi, Caroline! I could really relate to how our senses trigger immediate memories sometimes. In high school one of my friends started to wear a new perfume, and every time I smelled it, I thought of my grandma. Finally, I asked my mom if my grandma had ever worn that particular perfume, and indeed she had worn it all the time when I was little and I would play in her closet -- trying on her shoes and her hats.
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